
First and foremost, I'm a mama of three and a wife to my adventurous husband. I love being in nature, I'm a little bit crunchy, I'm principled, I'm opinionated, and I love making things with my hands.

Most of all, I love to help other’s thrive.

I have had the pleasure of serving children and families as an Occupational Therapist, (OT) for over a decade. I started my career in a pediatric out-patient clinic and then shifted into the school setting.

I was introduced to CranioSacral Therapy (CST) early on in my career and was drawn to it’s soothing, gentle and natural approach to healing. Later on, I had first hand experience with the benefits of CST following the birth of my son. I had a c-section due to internal bleeding and CST helped my body and scars to heal.

My own life experiences with pregnancy, birth trauma, miscarriage, and postpartum anxiety, have guided my professional focus. I understand the confusion and isolation of navigating perinatal challenges without enough support.

Birthing parents shouldn’t have to struggle alone.

If you are expecting your first child, are a new mama or a seasoned mama, you are loved, appreciated and worthy.

I am here to equip you and your littles to achieve your happy and healthy.




#5 I value and honor the body’s wisdom and innate healing mechanisms.

#4 I care about addressing the root cause.  I do not offer bandages or temporary fixes.  I do research or provide an appropriate referral when your questions or needs are outside of my areas of expertise.

#3 I am a holistic provider who treats you as a whole person.  I know that your daily activities, values, experiences, responsibilities, and beliefs are all a part of your wellness story.

#4 Individualized care. One size does not fit all, so I offer therapeutic exercises and recommendations based on the specific needs and strengths of each client.

#1 I listen to and trust you!  You know yourself and your child the best, not me.  I’m here to work with you, support you and offer my expertise as to best serve you.

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Professional Background:

  • BA in Pscyhology from Bemidji State University

  • MA in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California

  • Specialized study in the following areas:

    • Sensory Integration

    • Reflex Integration

    • Motor Development

    • Tethered Oral Tissues (aka tongue, lip and cheek ties)

    • Pelvic Floor Health

    • Postpartum Rehabilitation

  • CranioSacral Therapy and Somatic Emotional Release training through the Upledger Institute International

  • Dynamic Body Balancing Facilitator